
Write your own fortune!

@DoomedBishop said in #6:
> I would write my own fortune as follows: "You will be successful in your chosen career and you will marry your true love."
> I know, that's two fortunes...well, I'd take the former and maybe the latter would come about someday.
It can happen for you. It did for me.
@A_Dragon_Riding_King said in #8:
> I said fortune! Not a curse!
You know not the pleasures of meditating happily in a black hole for trillions of years! Try it before you roast it my friend <3
@salmon_rushdie said in #12:
You know not that humans are social creatures and solitary confinement for more than 2 weeks is against international law? Yet you want to do it for trillions of years! Come to your senses my friend
@A_Dragon_Riding_King said in #13:
> You know not that humans are social creatures and solitary confinement for more than 2 weeks is against international law? Yet you want to do it for trillions of years! Come to your senses my friend
Proof that they don't want you to find out how good it is, it's literally illegal!

This guy knows what's up
I watched a "Twilight zone" episode once, where a man kept opening fortune cookies, and it didn't go too well for him. :).
@Mrchess78 said in #16:
> I watched a "Twilight zone" episode once, where a man kept opening fortune cookies, and it didn't go too well for him. :).
What happens?
I will be chosen out of the millions of players on roblox to get infinite robux

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