
Finally broke the 2000 barrier here ;)

@JiangoFett #29
Most titled players do not play classical and blitz here. They only play bullet.
There are strong titled blitz players, and there are somewhat/weak titled blitz players.
I've seen that here and on ICC and Fics.

So, in my opinion, trying to compare Lichess classical or blitz ratings with FIDE ratings might not have enough data to process :)

And people have good and bad days. In previous forum comments I wrote that Gelfand is a "slow" chess player. He is not going to win top GM blitz tourneys soon.
However, recently he won a match against GM Andreikin, winning the classical and the rapid part of the match.

Chesstempo has an estimated FIDE rating option.
My est. FIDE according to chesstempo would be almost 2100, but my chesstempo tactics rating is also going 100 points up and down. Go figure :-)

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