
Swiss chess tournament on lichess

@NaturalBornTraveller "But this topic is a legitimate topic, and have been ignored for too long without an official reply as to why."

Site operated without any:
- fees
- paid operators

is obliged to give any answers officially or non-officially. If issue IN THEIR opinion is not important then there is absolutely no need to comment.

And it is open software so I give further standard answer:
- make clone of the SW on git-hub
- develop and test swiss tournament feature
- send a pull request

This is far better way of getting heard than writing into forums about someone should do something.

as of if you donate where you money goes: keeping system runnign. server fees run every single minute. there a tiny cost for every single game. If you would like donate to specific feature I guess easiest way would hire a SW subcontractor to write the feature and then donate the SW to lichess.

Cost of such feature woudl few tens of thousands if done by a pro. In industrialized world sw-engineer hour costa anything between 50-250€/h depending on country and specialty.
@NaturalBornTraveller Not sure I understand your arguing.

Lichess is enterely free. You can play, access all features and have puzzles, studies, analysis all you want. That's already a stark contrast to all the other chess sites out there.

Lichess publishes yearly reports of where the money earned goes. I've been here little more than one year and saw two of them. You can search for yourself and somebody already posted you some of those.

Lichess is still private, and if they don't want to implement whatever feature for whatever reason, I wonder how you can say you ask to see where the money goes while at the same time ask for new features. Lichess doesn't ask you how you use your money.

As a very simple example, they reduced a couple of features these days (like online friends, private tournaments showing up in main page, opening names in game analysis) to cope with almost doubled traffic. I think it's cool they do it so that people can still play in a very fast way online.

Regarding swiss tournaments, there's a post up there (#25) with 3 links explaining why in the past the feature wasn't implemented. Or better: it was actually implemented but nobody used it because everybody used arenas and 5 tournaments a day were not enough to justify costs to keep the service.

It's not that hard. It's an open community, informations are around.

@alms ops, sorry :)

Allright. Back to watching Lombardy Covid cases and deaths explode.
Our club needs that feature too... they are suggesting going to because it seems there they can play Swiss there.

Is there any way we can help?
Nobody of the Lichess Team answers... so may me complicated, or at least not their priority...
They may not answer because this issue, and similar ones like round-robin, not being paired repeatedly against the same opponent, have been posted more than a month ago on Github by @lovlas

Recently, the issue has been labeled as "prospect" which seems to indicate that it is not first priority. I agree, it would be nice to have it, but I prefer Lichess to put focus on server fitness to handle the covid-related traffic boost. I have seen some changes that have been made to reduce the use of server power, and I have witnessed only a few occasions where they displayed the girl playing chess with a robot. Lichess is doing a good job. Thank you!

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