
Could you make a preference option to disable + 15 seconds?

"If you are losing, you can also just resign to avoid the humiliation :)"


As for ME, I find it very annoying when a person who is clearly going to lose and is low on time keeps on fighting. To these people I often +15, and then they finally resign.

In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if I was the one who victimized you with the "+15" ploy, Lat5 >:)
But: "Keep on fighting" is often a sign of a good spirit - and some might strengthen teit power by it. ( of course only when it is not outright stupid to continue in clear loosing position )
"Keep on fighting" is a poor choice of words.

I meant "drag out a lost game".
I think you've nailed it Dionysus - I must admit - I've been frustrated when I've been given +15 seconds in a losing position - so odds are I accept defeat and resign ironically....At my level though....we're looking for slip ups that might flip the game to our it is a bit condascending sometimes that the other guy might have made a blunder or two himself to get into the winning position.....
I should underline that I find it annoying also in a winning or equal position if the opponent presses + 15 seconds if I am low on time.

The point is you should have a possibility to keep games on equal terms, so you should have a possibility to disable + seconds in your preferences.

Ok - I disagree with that then.....if it's a good game and 'it's just time' then it's probably a genuine offer to end the game without the clock.....I've had that several times and given it......
"I don't think it would be too difficult to implement" ~Lat5

Maybe not, but

"Maybe it is not worth the effort. Perhaps the admin could look up the database, how often this really happens and let us know." ~steger

As steger implied, it's not a very pressing issue. You seem to be the only person who wants this, Lat5.

While I'm personally indifferent to the issue, I must say that I don't imagine the site should be tweaked simply because of a minor, personal quibble from one person.

Lat5 -- exceptionally noble; can't argue with your 'stick with the original time parameters'.... in the meantime, why not have a message on your clipboard about how you like the time pressure challange -- use the 15 secs to retrieve it. Maybe a pictograph showing the hanging of a man who tries to stretch the clock (Dali)

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