
Lichess Mods are altering emojis on forums?

@DragonFly31 said in #7:
> It's unlikely to be the best explanation. 5 hands up emojis were simultaneously removed from one post altogether - it is extremely unlikely that 5 people chose to cancel positive emojis simulaneously.

What he means is that you lose emojis on your comment after you edit it, not that people are editing their reactions. So if they had 5 thumbs and edited the comment they all disappeared. Idk if all emojis disappear or only +1 because I don't understand the code.
@TBest said in #6:
> When you don't understand something, it's wise to not immediately assume the worst possible thing. "Meanwhile, the negative emojis are left untouched." is a well known behavior for anyone who has used the forum the last few years. People are probably editing their own posts.

Hmm, so I could write "I love kicking puppies" and get lots of thumbs-downs, and then edit it to remove the word "kicking" and make it look like everyone hates puppies!

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