
The -500 +500 Rating Range Is Already Getting Very Annoying, Can We Please Change It?

@jhuang I responded in #75, you are apparently too tired to understand what you read. From now on, I will answer your posts once or twice a day, because you probably badly need such breaks for your health. Have a nice day!

EDIT: @RickRenegade , I'd rather kiss a frog - it reportedly can produce a princess, and (to the best of my knowledge) kissing jhuang will produce only a jhuang. Or maybe?...

Yes you "responded" by commenting that i repeated myself, not any substantive response LOL. Genius arguments, A++++
Huge argument over nothing guys. A difference of opinion is ok.
<Comment deleted by user>
@jhuang I redirected you to the post #75, where I said nothing about repeating yourself. Try to understand what you read. The next answer to you no sooner than tomorrow.

@FernandoCombinations Is it? I cannot find it. Are you sure?

@marinkatomb , @RickRenegade In my chase to explain my arguments precisely to everyone and convince them, I sometimes overlook a troll who has to be ignored, not convinced. It is definitely a problem I have to work on.

So what is now the largest TRUE chess website on the web? Where you can at least play casual games against any consenting rated player with a registered account that records the games.

Does Internet Chess Club (ICC) allow this? Is lichess open source? Can we just fork it?
WOW I thought this forum stopped! Thanks for your opinion everyone!
In personally think lichess just needs to do what they think is best best and not fall under peer presure.
Ok, there are strong feelings about this, sometimes that can cause people to over react a bit. I too feel strongly about this as it prevents people from playing against stronger players. I have the feeling this was not the intended reason for the change (I can only guess as i have seen no official reason).

Chess24 has been used as an example of other sites that do this, but if you actually check, you can see that they do in fact allow players to play up. Here is the proof..

So it turns out that they changed their minds. Maybe Lichess can do the same?

One of the most commonly used pieces of advice for improving players is "Play against stronger players if you want to get better". I appreciate that people have disagreed with this stance multiple times, but I am yet to see a really good reason why this needs to happen.

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