
How common are multiple users on an account?

@Frogster64 said in #10:
> World Champ plays some meaningless games under a different account because he doesn't want to be recognized or whatever. You can choose to be outraged or you can chuckle. I choose to chuckle.

I guess one can brush it off like that, but people get frustrated when losing, atleast I do, and getting slaughtered by some GM, cheater, speedrunner or whatever is not the greatest inspiration to keep on playing chess. I really dislike those speedrunners, even if people get their rating back.
Indeed dude but when someone cheats they don't get their rating back.

How are you supposed to tell when Aryan Tari suddenly plays 300 points higher?


"Sometimes the only way is to cheat," "GM" Tari.

I analyze every game I play and rarely see anything suspicious. I get slaughtered when I play badly.
Of course Frogster. But cheating gives people like Tari an unfair advantage. How much have the people's accounts whom Carlsen's have bolstered gained from it? Can't really say but cheating is a really serious problem and just because you chuckle about their collusion doesn't make it okay.
You shouldn't let a GM or a stronger player give you a single move, much less discuss the whole game with you. Fair play means something. Truly.
You think it's okay for Carlsen, Tari, Howell, and whomever else to cheat. I certainly do not. Glad you made your position clear any way.
>You think it's okay for Carlsen, Tari, Howell, and whomever else to cheat

Yuck. I didn't say that. I said I don't care that Carlsen did it in some meaningless games. It's not like it's giving him a better chance of winning a tournament.
Yuck indeed dude.
If you have someone standing with a can of gasoline and next to a burned out house -- laughing wildly -- what do you think his opinion of arson is?
Cheating is not okay and the seemingly endless amount that a certain group of "GM's" have been doing make it really quite sickening.

But you? Please keep on chuckling.
I was only trying to make one point. Cheating by using someone else's account is not going to happen often at our level. Common sense. It's best not to see monsters under the bed whenever you get destroyed. Report if you must, then move on.

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