
How common are multiple users on an account?

@handsomechuck said in #1:
> I've encountered this a number of times: I'm pretty sure it's not engine cheating, but it's clear that I'm not playing the same person, or the rating is way off. Sometimes I'll play someone who's clearly a 1900, then same account they blitz out a perfect game. Do people do this, have a buddy who's 500 pts stronger play a game on their account here and there?

It's good that you posted this -- it's quite pertinent in today's troubled time.
>MFW LegendaryQueen devolves another thread by twisting the truth
@LegendaryQueen said in #19:
> Yuck indeed dude.
> If you have someone standing with a can of gasoline and next to a burned out house -- laughing wildly -- what do you think his opinion of arson is?

I sense that you're upset.
Me? No. You couldn't possibly upset me if you tried. Your endorsement of cheating, animosity, gaslighting, attempting blacklisting, character abuses, and the rest have literally 0% effect on my happiness, peace, health or anything else.

But nice try adding to the hate in the world.
A death threat? As mentioned, the pattern plays itself out.

Try to increase the hate in the world all you want but you shall fail. I promise you.
@LegendaryQueen said in #24:
> Me? No. You couldn't possibly upset me if you tried. Your endorsement of cheating, animosity, gaslighting, attempting blacklisting, character abuses, and the rest have literally 0% effect on my happiness, peace, health or anything else.
> But nice try adding to the hate in the world.

Hey, I think I remember you now. What were your previous account names?
It's not a death threat. That's myself after reading your strawmens.
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