
How common are multiple users on an account?

You are defending cheating. What else is there to say?
There is nothing about your posts worth commenting on.
"Popular people can cheat."
This is literally and exactly your meaning.

You take the idea of "Fair play" and rub it through the trash, and then blow your nose on it.
Someone disagrees with you and you start getting nastier and nastier, insulting them more and more.

Same pattern as from day one.

Cheating, hate, and the rest are quite senseless.Do you think there is some value or benefit to being rude and malignant to people on the internet? How and in what possible universe does that benefit you?

Please get an understanding of what fair play means and what breaking the rules of chess, laughing about it, insulting others, blacklisting them, and all the rest actually are and mean and do.
Yes, I definitely remember you! Dammit. I'm going to be racking my brain all night trying to remember your old account name.
"It is okay for Carlsen to cheat."
This is your position, or view, yes?

Defend it: Go!
Adios muchacho. You have been adamantly defending cheating, demonizing those who stand up against attacks and abuse of character and lies --
You wanna talk lies?
Hans Niemann crushed Carlsen with a 98% accuracy in a bullet game -- when he was 15.
Instead of feeling hateful towards Niemann, it would sure be nice if Carlsen had a bit of decency and could make friends with people.
Instead it's a lot of age-ist abuse and nonsense, character assassination and other disgusting stuff.
And, as mentioned, quite a heck of a lot of cheating.

Wonder why Carlsen has been losing so much lately? Is it not perhaps because he doesn't have his team helping him?

When you play with a crutch (others giving you moves, what have you) then it's usually quite hard to do as well without the same crutch.

But please by all means, keep continuingly defending cheating, character abuse, blacklisting and all the rest.
>You have been adamantly defending cheating, demonizing those who stand up against attacks and abuse of character and lies -

When you put it that way, I feel bad. I apologize for adamantly demonizing you.
Look, Frogster. I have nothing against you. If you are sincere then fine. But it seems infinitely unlikely you are sincere. There has been an unlimited amount of antipathy, animosity and so forth from those who defend the abusiveness of Carlsen's position. That position? "It is okay for me to cheat and collude, as much as please to; and whomever I wish to be rude to I can attempt to blacklist and character assassinate," and so on, and so on, and so forth.

The point is that you cannot defend abusiveness and somehow be on the side of "Right."-- Those who have been doing so get extremely heated, get extremely abusive, extremely, extremely, quickly. It has died down ever so slightly but yeah.

But hey, what's $84 Million dollars. Maybe you are so rich that it doesn't matter to you? I dunno man.

In Southern Sudan I heard they make about $2 a month. Some of them.
If you are sincere then great; fine, no problem and best wishes to you. I have nothing against you no matter what, even if you continued on forever insulting me attacking me and what not.

It never occurs to you that I always refer to Tryan82 as my friend? (To explain the point of this, he was one of the most vocal people insulting and swearing and so on and so forth in the hey day of this malignant tumor of toxicity that has been hitting us lately,) but I have nothing whatsoever bad to say about him; nor do I wish him any ill whatsoever.

But I'm sure you can understand if I do not believe you even one iota. No offense.
>Those who have been doing so get extremely heated

The heat is all coming from your direction. So's the hyperbolae. Wholly molly. I'm not normally a troll, but dude... To paraphrase Michael Corleone:

"Just when I thought I was out, you keep pulling me back in!"
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